Does Beyoncé Watch ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’? An Investigation

‘It all began with a tweet, as these things usually do.

Innocently, Hannah Hanzie tweeted, “Is that Jake and Amy in the background of this Beyoncé and Blue pic?” referring to two main characters on Brooklyn Nine-Nine and tagging Melissa Fumero (Amy), Stephanie Beatriz (Rosa), and Andy Samberg (Jake).

For background, Beyoncé just released a bunch of new photos of her family on her website, including a very adorable photo of her with her twins, a picture of Blue Ivy meditating that will become my new summer #mood, and some gorgeous glamour shots of Beyoncé herself.

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But more importantly, Brooklyn Nine-Nine fans — of which there is great overlap with Beyoncé fans, because Beyoncé fans are everywhere — picked up on image #40, of Beyoncé, Blue Ivy, and a baby’s foot.


But the background here is key. Is that Brooklyn Nine-Nine on the television!? Once the idea has been placed in your mind, it’s kind of hard to ignore.

Melissa Fumero, who plays Amy, rightfully freaked out, tweeting, “OMG IS IT?? Does the queen watch ?!!!!! please respond. Whenever you have time. Thanks in advance.”

And the rest of the Twitter-sphere also panicked (in a good way):

But is that actually Brooklyn Nine-Nine, one of the best shows currently airing filled with great Jewish jokes and beautiful representation, on the screen?

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Honestly, we hate to break it to you, but it’s probably not. For a few reasons.

One, the guy on the screen has a widow’s peak hairline. The two main white guys on Brooklyn Nine-Nine — played by Andy Samberg, our forever crush, and Joe Lo Trugilo — do not have this hairstyle. (Joel McKinnon Miler, who plays Scully, does have a widow’s peak, but he is not as svelte as the man on the screen.)

Two, if you squint, you can see a logo in the top-left screen. It’s bright blue. Guess what has a bright blue logo? Disney Channel. Guess what Beyoncé would probably be watching with her kids? Disney Channel.

Three, the Brooklyn Nine-Nine precinct does not have any red on the walls. The walls are beige, and the doors are blue. No red anywhere, besides one pipe. Not enough to be prominently in the background of the image. A good example of the office:

We hate to break it to you, but Beyoncé is not watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine in this photograph. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t watch it! Just not there. Carry on.

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