This Sled Dog Afikoman Hunt Is Perfect

Jewish sleddog racer Blair Braverman gave us the Passover puppy content we needed.

Ah, the hunt for the afikoman. In my experience, it’s either a light-hearted romp between young children or a violent, “Hunger Games”-esque showdown between adult siblings.

Jewish dogsled racer and Twitter favorite Blair Braverman took to Twitter yesterday to post about her own version of the hunt for the afikoman. And folks, it’s adorable.

In the multi-tweet thread, Braverman, who lives in rural Wisconsin, hid the afikoman in the woods — citing inspiration from Talmud TikToker Miriam Anzovin — and brought two of her retired sled dogs, Grinch and Refried, to search for it. (It’s extremely important to note that Blair claims that all her dogs, except one, are Jewish.)

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Thankfully, Blair gave the rest of us a hint as to where the fairly camouflaged afikoman was hidden.

Then, the hunt began!

As Blair notes in her thread, Refried (the dog with the lighter colored coat) energetically and somewhat aimlessly ran around without finding the afikoman. Same, Refried, same.

However, with a little help, Grinch was able to sniff out the matzah from underneath the vegetation!

Mazel tov, Grinch!! (And good effort, Refried!)

Hilariously, upon finding the afikoman, Grinch immediately dropped it and seemingly refused to eat the snack.

It’s OK, Grinch. Matzah isn’t for everyone. On the other hand, Refried seemed to love it!

The fact that these dogs have almost diametrically opposing attitudes towards the matzah proves they are Jewish, right?

But if you’re thinking, “Wait a minute, where is Grinch’s prize?” Don’t worry, he got the best prize he could ask for:

Well, you’ve done it again, Blair. Thanks for sharing your wonderful, silly and Jewish dogs with us for an absolutely priceless afikoman hunt. A very happy Passover to us all!

Evelyn Frick

Evelyn Frick (she/they) is a writer and associate editor at Hey Alma. She graduated from Vassar College in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. In her spare time, she's a comedian and contributor for Reductress and The Onion.

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