Which ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

The definitive guide to sun signs based on the Jewiest movie of all time.

Fiddler on the Roof and astrology. You might think a mash-up of these two seemingly unrelated topics is bizarre, sacrilegious, even an insult to both the classic Ashkenazi musical and the ancient art of the Zodiac. On the other hand, astrology actually has roots in the Kabbalah, the Hebrew calendar, and possibly even the Twelve Tribes of Israel. It only makes sense that finally getting some answers as to the Fiddler characters’ Zodiac signs would be an homage to both of these time-honored, Jewy traditions.

So, let’s find out once and for all: What are the Fiddler on the Roof characters’ Zodiac signs? 

Aries // Perchik
aries perchik

I mean…can you get any more Aries than Perchik? This man checks literally all of the Aries boxes: Bold? Ambitious? Passionate? Fearless in the face of conflict? Yes, yes, yes, and YES.

Most Aries moment: It’s a toss up between being arrested and banished to Siberia for being a radical Marxist, or dancing with Hodel (a *woman*) at Tzeitel’s wedding. Take your pick.

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Taurus // Tevye
taurus tevye

Ah, Tevye, our down-trodden protagonist. Distressed by the world around him turning away from tradition… tradition!, wishing for the stability of being rich yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum, longing to biddy biddy bum all day long… Tevye is a Taurus at heart. And in true Taurus fashion, Tevye is friends with everyone in town, even the constable.

Most Taurus moment: Giving Hodel and Perchik his blessing AND permission, even though they only asked for his blessing.

Gemini // Motel
gemini motel

Motel is gentle and forward thinking (re: sewing machine!), but also a bit nervous when it comes to making his needs known. Remember when he waited until the very last possible second to tell Tevye that he wanted to marry Tseitel and then used the glove analogy instead of getting to the point? Yeah, I thought so. Motel is one real Gemini boy.

Most Gemini moment: Literally prancing through the forest and singing at the top of his lungs for the miracle of his and Tseitel’s love. Bless him. 

Cancer // Tseitel
tseitel cancer

Tseitel married her life-long best friend and vowed to save up for moving to America to be with her family after they all had to leave Anatevka. Can you say this is one loyal Cancer? Yes, I believe that you can. She also is highly sensitive and empathetic, able to empathize with both her parents and her estranged sister.

Most Cancer moment: The pure melodrama of not being able to hide her angst and begging at Tevye’s feet moments after calmly milking a cow.

Leo // Fyedka
leo fyedka

Fyedka, Leo. Leo, Fyedka. Fyedka’s come-on to Chava is bold and attention seeking, but also warm-hearted and humorous. Fyedka makes it clear that he knows his worth and knows he’s charming, basically the epitome of a Leo living that Leo life.

Most Leo moment: “Let me tell you about myself: I’m a pleasant fellow, charming, honest, ambitious, quite bright, and very modest.” 

Virgo // Yente
virgo yente

Yenta is the definition of a Virgo. The most pragmatic of matchmakers, she inserts herself into the business of everyone in the shtetl. Yenta literally means gossip in Yiddish, and Virgos are known to be judgemental from time to time.

Most Virgo moment: Thinking wayyy into the future by making matches for literal children.

Libra // Lazar Wolf
libra lazar wolf

Aesthetics. Luxury. Obviously the rich butcher has got a monopoly on this, at least in Anatevka. Libra to his core, Lazar Wolf avoids conflict, trying his hardest not to let his cancelled betrothal get in the way of some good old fashioned Jewish fun at the wedding. Alas, this Libra could not keep his grudge-bearing ways in check.

Most Libra moment: Going to live with his brother in law… who he hates. But hey, a relative is a relative.

Scorpio // Fruma Sarah
scorpio fruma sarah

Stubborn enough in life to haunt dreams from beyond the grave. There’s not much more Scorpio than that besides the said haunted dream being completely made up for the purpose of… tricking your wife into letting your daughter marry for love.

Most Scorpio moment: See image above.

Sagittarius // Hodel
sagittarius hodel

Hodel is for sure a Sagittarius, with her adventurous spirit, quick wit, and eagerness to embrace and fight for change. Hodel is also an idealist at heart, embracing an idea and sacrificing everything in her life for its pursuit.

Most Saggitarius moment: Moving to Siberia to work towards political revolution with her exiled lover.

Capricorn // Golde
capricorn golde

Golde dutifully and reliably cares for the children, manages the household, and reigns in Tevye. This Capricorn never misses a beat, even sweeping the house as she’s being kicked out of it.

Most Capricorn moment: Admitting she loves Tevye… after 25 years, it’s nice to know.

Aquarius // Chava
aquarius chava

Progressive and independent, Chava is a total Aquarius. She makes her own path, defying all norms and acting totally independent of expectation. She does not compromise from her convictions and makes choices without asking for permission or a blessing.

Most Aquarius moment: Interfaith marriage! Elopement!

Pisces // Rabbi

pisces rabbi

Gentle and wise, Pisces naturally wants to keep the peace, just like Fiddler’s Rabbi. He is always accommodating to the townsfolk, making up blessings for the Tsar and not taking sides in disputes (“I say, let’s sit down”). As far as rabbis go, this guy is pretty go with the flow; he’s literally just vibing.

Most Pisces moment: Breaking with tradition and joining in on the mixed gender dancing with no convincing, as… the town’s rabbi.

Images designed by Emily Burack

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